P Johnson Member Posted: Mar 12th 2020 | List of toolsShould there be a list of assurance tools on this site? A Google for "Safety assurance tools" turns up a few examples but no comprehensive list. "GSN tools" turns up this list from 2011: http://www.goalstructuringnotation.info/archives/41
I must confess to a personal interest here: I want to get the Diametric Safety Case Manager (https://www.diametricsoftware.com) on the list. But given the paucity of tool support we ought to help practitioners find tools as a general service.
P Williams Member Posted: Mar 12th 2020 | We have considered tool support as a potential topic for future activity by the ACWG. There are issues with simply listing tools, or with making tool recommendations, but we can probably do something useful in identifying good tool aspects and pitfals.
We may even be able to facilitate a 'tripadviser' style community review of tools, but there are many issues with moderatation of such a review list... all issues to be resolved in the WG
J SPRIGGS Administrator Posted: Aug 2nd 2021 | Can we agree that a GSN Tool is something that facilitates development, presentation, and maintenance of an (assurance) argument using the Goal Structuring Notation? I have been shown a number of so-called "GSN Tools" that turned out to be little more than a repository for evidence items, and could not show me a clear argument; I was not assured.
S Diemert Registered Posted: Aug 2nd 2021
Edited by: P Williams Member on: Aug 3rd 2021 | Posting per Phil's suggetion to grow the list of AC tools:
Socrates - Assurance Case Editor is a web-based assurance case development and maintenance platform developed by Critical Systems Labs Inc. Socrates offers a collaborative environment for creating Goal Structuring Notation (GSN) and Eliminative Argumentation (EA) style assurance cases. Additionally, the tool provides artifact (evidence) management, issue tracking, and (coming soon) metrics tracking, and (coming soon) real-time syntatic checking.
P Williams Member Posted: Aug 3rd 2021 | @J Spriggs - this seems a sensible suggestion, but we don't have access to evaluate the tools and rely on the information supplied by the tool provider or a registered user of this site. THis makes it difficult to enforce, but where we are aware of such limitations we can add a note to that effect on the entry. I suspect its better to have such a entry with note than to leave it silent in case someone thinks they've discovered something new.
@S Diemert - thanks - I have added to the gsn tools page
J Wolf Registered Posted: Dec 12th 2022 | May I suggest adding my small tool that can generate graphical representations from textual input, including some checks for well-formedness and validity: https://github.com/jonasthewolf/gsn2x
Feedback is very much appreciated.
P Williams Member Posted: Jan 23rd 2023 | @J Wolf - I added the tool to the list after receiving your posting - only just rememberd to reply to the posting.
S Joba Registered Posted: Mar 20th 2023 | |
J Wolf Registered Posted: Mar 20th | I recently changed the license of my gsn2x https://github.com/jonasthewolf/gsn2x from CC-BY-4.0 to MIT.
Would you mind updating the tool page?
And in turn check again, if the security message still appears?
Thank you.