Def Stan 00-056: Safety Management Requirements for Defence Systems
**** The review has now ended ****
Issue 8 of Defence Standard 00-056, Part 1 (Requirements and Guidance), has been released for review together with its counterpart, Part 2 (Guidance on Establishing a Means of Complying with Part 1) which is at Issue 6.
Def Stan 00-056 Part 1 Issue 8 for review - PDF (621KB)
Def Stan 00-056 Part 2 Issue 6 for review - PDF (1.2MB)
These are Draft Documents for review and are not to be used as an agreed Defence Standard.
Details of the review process are available here: Def Stan 00-056 briefing pack - DOCX (2.3MB)
This review process has been delayed due to issues within the UK MoD and the new deadline for comments is 17 April 2023.
Note. The briefing pack contains several embedded items (Titles 1 to 8) that support the review process. These need to be opened individually from within the briefing pack document.
Additional note: The drafts of Def Stan 00-056 Safety Management for Defence Systems are available for public comment. Comments at this stage will aid in finalising the draft; it would be particularly helpful to highlight the following: -
- Does the new standard create any problems?
- Are there any areas that require further interpretation?
- Is it restrictive in any way?
The new drafts are potentially subject to change before publication, so should not be used in contracts at the moment. Once formally published, they should be used in new contracts, but will not normally apply automatically to existing contracts.
Comments should be returned to before 17 April 2023.
This comment form may be useful for your comments: comment template - DOC (40KB).