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Safety of Autonomous Systems Working Group
Welcome to the Safety of Autonomous Systems working group area.
As of May 2024 this group has merged with the Safe AI working group.
If you would like to be involved please contact Philippa Ryan or Alan Simpson (chair Safe AI). For information about forthcoming meetings, please see the SCSC's main events diary — http://scsc.uk/events.html
Safety Assurance Objectives for Autonomous Systems (version 4)
The Safety of Autonomous Systems Working Group [SASWG] has published a document representing the first step towards establishing Recognised Good Practice for safety assurance of autonomous systems. This document is [SCSC-153C] Safety Assurance Objectives for Autonomous Systems, and was last updated February 2024.
Previous material published by the group can be found in [SCSC-190] Safety Assurance Objectives for Autonomous Systems - Supporting Material.
A flyer and poster are available for the group.
Statement of the Problem
To realise the positive potential of autonomy, the autonomous systems community needs to have ways of making such systems safe. The specific safety challenges of autonomous systems and the technologies that enable autonomy are not adequately addressed by current safety management practices and standards. It is clear that autonomous systems can introduce many new paths to accidents, and that autonomous system technologies may not be practical to analyse adequately using accepted current practice. Whilst there are differences in detail, and standards, between domains many of the underlying challenges appear similar and it is likely that common approaches to core problems will prove possible.
To produce clear guidance on how autonomous systems and autonomy technologies should be managed in a safety related context, in a way that reflects emerging best practice.
Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference (last reviewed October 2023).
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