SCSC - Group: Safe System Architecting Working Group (SSAWG)

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Safe System Architecting Working Group (SSAWG)

The SCSC SSAWG is a joint initiative between the INCOSE UK Architecture Working Group and the Safety Critical Systems Club, with a vision of addressing systems safety through the promotion of choosing, using, and developing appropriate architecture. Two focal areas are defined as:

  • Safety-driven architecting - what safety drivers are likely to exist when architecting is being considered.
  • Architecting system safety - what architectural factors may realise, enable, support, or preclude the achieving of safety considerations.

Mission Statement

  • To produce practical guidance on addressing system safety during system architecting.
  • To encourage and facilitate collaboration between INCOSE and the club.

Statement of the Problem

The design of a system architecture is a critical first step toward addressing safety requirements. With the community moving toward digital engineering to include model-based systems engineering, digital twins and digital threads, there is an opportunity to advance current best practices in architecture to:

  • Embed safety concepts into architecture concepts, as opposed to capture safety solely as an architectural view.
  • Develop meaningful metrics for the evaluation of architecture against safety goals, which will feed into the overall architecture trade-offs.
  • Generate (digital) architectural artefacts that contribute to the construction of the safety case.

We envisage the outcomes developed in this joint working group will be beneficial to both the systems engineering community and the system safety community.  

WG Operation

The WG will meet every 6 weeks online via Teams. Note that the INCOSE UK AWG meets every quarter.

Upcoming Meeting

11th December 2024, 3pm-5pm UK local time.

Microsoft Teams Meeting Link

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 368 913 147 558

Passcode: E7DPk9

Past MeetingsI

26th June 2024, 3pm-5pm UK local time.

7th August 2024, 3pm-5pm UK local time.

9th October 2024, 3pm-5pm UK local time.


If you would like to be involved in the group, please contact the co-chairs, Siyuan Ji, or Jane Fenn,

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