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Hello Guest, I'm writing to remind you that our next one-day seminar "Developing Safe AI Systems" is taking place on Thursday 27th June, at the BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT: Ground Floor, 25 Copthall Avenue, London, EC2R 7BP. To book your place please visit: This seminar is all about how to develop and build safe AI systems: it will discuss the methods, tools and techniques that should be employed, the all- important approach to testing and V&V, and also the quality and safety assurance processes that govern what has to be done. The speakers will outline possible ideas and approaches for these evolving areas. Speakers include: Gary Brown, Airbus - "Certification Use Reliance (CURe) for an Aircraft Level view of an AI ML Part 21 integration" Richard Hawkins, University of York - "Through-life Assurance of ML systems" Alan Simpson, Ebeni - "Where are we with AI Safety?" Nick Tudor, D-RisQ - "Robust AI Planning" Iain Whiteside, ReSim - "Testing Times Ahead for AI" Who should attend? This seminar is an opportunity to hear best practice for developing Safe AI systems today and future methods and techniques. It will be useful for safety engineers, safety managers and AI engineers, and for all those involved in the development of projects that may use AI in the future. Alex and Mike |