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The SCSC publishes a range of documents:
The club publishes its newsletter Safety Systems three times a year in February, June and October. The newsletter is distributed to paid-up members and can be made available in electronic form for inclusion on corporate members' intranet sites.
The proceedings of the annual symposium, held each February since 1993, are published in book form. Since 2013 copies can be purchased from Amazon.
The club publishes the Safety-critical Systems eJournal (ISSN 2754-1118) containing high-quality, peer-reviewed articles on the subject of systems safety.
If you are interested in being an author or a reviewer please see the Call for Papers.
All publications are available to download free by current SCSC members (please log in first), recent books are available as 'print on demand' from Amazon at reasonable cost.
The material in this document aligns with SCSC-153B which was released February 2022 [13]. During the development of ”Safety Assurance Objectives for Autonomous Systems” [13] a number of comparisons were performed other draft guidance documents produced for safety assurance of Autonomous Systems (AS) and Machine Learning (ML). These comparisons were performed to ensure that either the assurance objectives in SCSC-153B matched elements of the alternative guidelines, or, where there were omissions, these were justified when considering the purpose and scope of SCSC-153B. Each comparison differs, depending on the content, structure, and scope of the alternative document. The individual approaches are described in more detail for each appendix.
The material has been removed from subsequent editions of SCSC-153B as confidence in the content of that document has been established. However, informal activities within the SASWG will still continue to scan for relevant AS and ML assurance issues, and review new standards and guidelines to ensure validity and currency of the SCSC-153X objectives.
The material presented here will not be maintained for any uplifts of the comparison documents or approaches.